The seamless mode is the core of BBalance experience, it allows you to track your health statistics without having to think about it.
If you never receive seamless measures, here are a few tips to maximize your chance to unlock this mode.
- Did you complete footprint calibration ? After onboarding, the progress of this calibration is displayed on top of the home screen. You check the progress by looking at the loading bar. When you record three measures on three different days, seamless mode is unlocked.
- Your footprint is calibrated but you’re not receiving seamless measures ?
- Do you step on your mat with shoes or slippers ? If yes, we won’t be able to recognize your feet
- Try to step on the center of your mat. If your feet are on the edge of the sensor surface, it will make the recognition process harder
- Try to stay stable on your mat. If you’re moving a lot, it reduces the chances to see both of your feet on the mat, which makes the recognition process harder.
- Were all your recognition measures from you ? Go check on your app what your calibration measures look like, if you see incorrect measures there, our algorithms will have trouble recognizing you.
- Check the battery level on your mat, if the battery is too low, the mat won’t wake up when you step on it.
If all of these tips did not help you, you can contact us and we will be able to help you.